Elections in India is the probably the most extensive exercise conducted ever. If one carefully goes through the election coverage – across media – poll manifesto – across parties, what stands out is the rhetoric given in the form of hope for – Bijli, Sadak, Paani (roughly translated – Power, Accessibility of roads & drinking water).
Strange that even after 67 years post independence politicians are basing poll manifesto on elementary and basic necessities – as above. While politicians – as any opportunist would want to encash on such promises, what is worrisome is how people of this country are getting lured into such promises – every five years – for last 67 years.
Answer probably rests with the lack of awareness of Indians on their basic rights. Right to education, Right to housing, Right for drinking water, Hygiene and information. Politicians have made best use of this ignorance and hence ruled this country year after year – irrespective of parties they belong to.
You might be wondering where is the entrepreneurial idea here ?
I believe that there remains a vast space for literate and resourceful individuals like the one reading this blog & the one writing this blog – a startup which makes Indians aware of these five factors. An idea born out of bringing awareness along – Hygiene, Information, Drinking water, Housing & Education.
There remains a vast space in India , where a professional entity promises to take up villages, talukas, districts and reaches 100 % mark on making people aware about their basic rights. This can be done in multiple ways – Educative staff, E learning modules, road shows, activation, group talks & discussions, school awareness program etc.
Brands who see a common merit in making vast Indian population aware of such rights, stands to unlock a vast potential in it by being a partner in journey of consumer. Brands like – Unilever, MS/Nokia, P&G are already doing it in micro ways. Corporates will see a proper channel in hands of educated, professionally qualified and accountable youth who are making a change not just to the society but also to their brand needs.
It is a big push to CSR commitments from corporates and must make a lot of sense to contribute to society and drive awareness.