Ashish Limaye

Can i complain about so much to learning…

It’s been a little over 20 days that I moved from the happening world of SMG (Starcom MediaVest Group) to even more happening world of Classic Stripes. Both organisations have so much to learn and so much to do. What sets them apart is the amount of learning which one has to go through while setting up a project.

Service organisations teach you well in brushing up your macro level understanding of business and remain focus on service standards, manufacturing setups have so much to teach on areas like project planning, raw material considerations, demand forecasting and marketing the final product.

It is a cultural change, one which I am simple enjoying. Also challenging is the fact that you have to get a right mix of flamboyance of a advertising agency and the process driven approach of a manufacturing setup. Can I complain that I have so much to learn ?

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